Everyone knows that nothing is free and folks need to earn their living. Nevertheless, there is some point at which a line is crossed and we move from “I deserve to be paid” into gouging. Our society needs some serious exploration as to But where exactly does that line lie. My … [Read more...]
Fiduciary Duty Turns Out to Be What You Really Seek
What are you really looking for in an adviser? Getting past the marketing campaigns, industry puffery, and silly nonsense; what are you truly seeking? What sort of guidance would lead to better outcomes and a better life for you? There has been a huge dustup in Washington … [Read more...]
Alternatives and Options
The dictionary tells us that the words “alternative” and “option” are synonyms. I remember using them interchangeably when I was in college. Among those who think about and study negotiation, however, these two words mean very different things. Mastering that difference can be a … [Read more...]
Callable Bonds: Heads They Win, Tails You Lose
What is a “callable bond” and why would anyone choose to invest in one? The concept is pretty straightforward. While a tradition bond, such as most US Treasury Bonds, promises to pay you the stated interest rate until the maturity date, one that is “callable” is a bit more … [Read more...]
Defined Contribution Retirement Plans Require an Extraordinary Level of Professionalism
For more than a generation, American society has been moving from a system of defined benefit pensions to one primarily reliant on defined contribution plans. In other words, we are shifting from the old arrangement where retired workers received a pension check every month to a … [Read more...]